Nutritional Support: Cancer

Nutritional support cancer: prior, during and post treatment support.

Through our nutrition and lifestyle cancer support programme we aim to empower you to:

  • Improve your knowledge of what to eat & why

    Giving you greater confidence and control over your potential outcome.

  • Support your immune system

    To keep you feeling well, improve your potential outcome, and to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Improve your energy levels and mood

    Thereby improving your overall sense of wellbeing, and enabling you to put your energy into improving your health.

  • Optimise your nutritional status

    To keep you feeling well, improve your potential outcome, and to reduce your risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Improve your healing after surgery

    Through better nutritional choices.

  • Support your gut health

    To reduce any adverse digestive symptoms and side effects, and to improve nutrient absorption.

  • Maintain your muscle mass

    To keep you physically strong, better able to cope with any treatments offered, and improve your potential outcome.

  • Minimise treatment side effects

    Aiming to mitigate the negative impact of any standard treatment received.

  • Reduce your risk of cancer recurrence

    Through better nutrition and lifestyle choices.

  • Improve your quality of life

    Through holistic support, helping you to thrive long after your cancer diagnosis.

There is now a wealth of, and ever growing body of, scientific evidence demonstrating that making positive changes to both diet and lifestyle can help tip the balance more in your favour in relation to a cancer diagnosis and improved outcomes. While there are never any guarantees, making positive changes in these areas has been shown to reduce treatment side effects, improve your chances of surviving cancer (2, 3) and reduce your risk of cancer recurring (2, 3).

Nutritional Support: Cancer

Reduce treatment side effects, improve your chances of surviving cancer (2, 3) and reduce your risk of cancer recurring (2, 3).

Cancer prevention: how to reduce your risk of cancer

Through our tailored nutrition and lifestyle cancer prevention programme we aim to empower you to:

  • Improve your knowledge of what to eat & why

    Giving you greater confidence and control over your health.

  • Optimise your nutritional status

    To improve your odds of staying cancer free.

  • Support your immune system

    To ensure that it is better able to quickly identify and remove any rogue cancer cells as they develop.

  • Support your gut health

    Addressing any adverse digestive symptoms and improving nutrient absorption to support overall health and wellbeing.

  • Improve your energy levels and mood

    Improving your overall sense of wellbeing and giving you the energy needed to work on your health.

  • Improve your body compositon

    By increasing your lean muscle mass and managing your weight as required.

Cancer is on the increase. According to Cancer Research UK (1) one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. On the face of it, this is a rather daunting statistic, however, the good news is that studies also show that around 90–95% of all cancers have there roots in environmental and lifestyle factors (2), with the important factors that affect the incidence and mortality of cancer including tobacco, alcohol, diet, obesity, infectious agents, environmental pollutants, and radiation. Consequently, by making positive changes to your diet, lifestyle and general environment you have enormous power and potential to significantly reduce your risk of cancer ever occurring in the first place.

Sarah Eglin, a cancer nutritionist UK, is a seven year breast cancer thriver who is passionate about helping others to similarly regain their health and wellbeing following a cancer diagnosis.

What you can expect from a 1:1 session.

  • Online consultation: Up to 75 minutes where you share your concerns and aims. We’ll take a deep dive into your health history in the initial consultation and build upon the recommended plan during subsequent consultations.

  • A personalised nutrition protocol: outlining your aims, goals and the recommended plan which will be updated following each face to face consultation, providing a roadmap to health.

  • Evidence-based advice surrounding a wide range of topics related to diet, lifestyle, environment and cancer.

  • Supplement recommendations: tailored to your specific needs. Understand which supplements to take, and which to avoid during and after your cancer treatment

  • Advice on how to prepare nutrient-dense meals.

  • Advice on what to eat before and after surgery to improve healing and recovery.

  • Tips on how to reduce your risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Practical tips to help reduce any side effects you may be having from treatment.

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 Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


* Nutritional and lifestyle support for those affected by cancer aims to complement, but not replace standard medical treatment.


(1) Cancer Research UK. ‘Cancer Statistics for the UK’. Available at Accessed 17.01.2023.

(2) Anand, P et al. (2008). ‘Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes.’ Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 25(9). p2097-2116

(3) Kassam S et al (eds). (2022). Plant-based nutrition in clinical practice. UK. Hammersmith Health Books