Nutrition: Book an appointment

Select from one of our programmes or packages below.

Use the buttons below to make an instant booking, and choose a time and date that is convenient to you*. Nutritional therapy aims to both alleviate current symptoms whilst fostering life long healthier habits to mitigate risk of future ill-health. This requires committment from both us and our clients and therefore, the minimum number of sessions that we are therefore able to work with you for is three, being the initial consultion plus two follow-up sessions. These sessions are built into each of our 90-day programmes.

90 Day Programmes: 3 consultations plus email support and resources

Follow-up multi-session appointments

Multi-session B1: 2 Sessions (2 x Follow-Ups)


Multi-session B2: 3 Sessions (3 x Follow-Ups)


Individual Follow-up Appointments

Follow-up Consultation


* Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your situation prior to making a booking, then please send us a message via our contact form.

 Healthy, Happy & Strong: Nutrition